Rudyard Kipling - KIM - Naxos AudioBooks- Duplo

This audiobook brings together the excellent work of Rudyard loja Kipling, entitled Kim. They are preco 22 tracks played madhav sharma by Madhav loja Sharma, that you must Rudyard Kipling - KIM - Naxos AudioBooks- Duplo check out. Exceptional recording quality!
Ano: s.d.
Gênero: AudioBook
Naxos; ASIN: 730099001823
Disco 1
1. Kim meets the lama2. Plans for a venda pilgrimage3. Lama and chela set escritor off4. On the madhav sharma way to Umballa5. venda Establishing the pedigree6. The Rudyard Kipling - KIM - Naxos AudioBooks- Duplo Great Road7. The Red Bull on the Green Field8. Kim´s identity revealed9. In school10. Mahbub preco Ali gives paternal help11. A submarino new school at madhav sharma Lucknow
Disco 2
1. The preco journey to Simla2. Lurgan Rudyard Kipling - KIM - Naxos AudioBooks- Duplo Sahib and Hurree Babu3. Further education and graduation4. Son of the Charm5. On the train6. escritor E23 survives - Kim is autor congratulated7. Plots and madhav sharma The Great Game8. escritor Hurree Babu in action9. Rudyard Kipling - KIM - Naxos AudioBooks- Duplo Documents and letters10. Healing and delivery11. The lama speaks

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