Virginia Woolf - Orlando - Importado- Duplo

This audiobook brings together the excellent work entitled Orlando. They are 27 tracks played by Laura Paton, that you must check out. Exceptional recording quality!
Ano: s.d.
Gênero: AudioBook
Naxos; ASIN: 730099000420
Disco 1
1. Orlando in Elizabethan England2. Queen Elizabeth I Arrives3. The Great Frost - 16084. ´The night was dark - flight5. Exile from court6. The Oak Tree7. The object of satire8. The Archduchess9. Orlando in Constantinople10. The Dukedom is conferred11. Transformation12. Orlando - a woman13. Femininity14. ´18th century London
Disco 2
1. Return to home2. Life and a lover3. Literary society - Pope and Addison4. Night journey5. Adventure as a man6. The 19th century7. Victorian romance8. Marriage9. Poetry10. Publication11. The Kingfisher12. Marshall and Snelgrove13. The Wild Goose

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