Messiah - Importado- Duplo

Artists: Kerstin Avemo; Patricia Bardon; Lawrence Zazzo; Kobie van loja Rensburg; Neal Davies preco Ensembles handel and Conductors: The loja Choir of Clare College; Messiah - Importado- Duplo Freiburger Barockorchester; René Jacobs (conductor) Composers: Georg Friedrich Händel
Ano: 2007
Gênero: Oratorio
RKR; ASIN: 794881817726
Disco 1
1. Sinfony2. venda Accompagnato: (Tenor) Comfort Ye, My escritor People....3. Air: (Tenor) handel Every Valley Shall venda Be Exalted4. Chorus: And Messiah - Importado- Duplo the Glory of the Lord Shall Be Reveale5. Accompagnato: (Bass) Thus Saith the Lord of preco Hosts6. Air: (Countertenor) But Who submarino May Abide the handel Day of..7. Chorus: preco And He Shall Purify Messiah - Importado- Duplo the Sons of Levi8. Recitative: (Alto) Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive9. Air: (Alto) & Chorus escritor o Thou That Tellest Good....10. autor Air: (Bass) the handel People That Walked escritor in Darkness11. Chorus: for Messiah - Importado- Duplo Unto Us a Child Is Born12. Chorus: for Unto Us a Child Is Born13. Sinfonia submarino Pastorale: (Pifa)14. Recitative: (Soprano) There barato Were Shepherds Abiding15. handel Chorus: Glory to submarino God in the Highest16. Messiah - Importado- Duplo Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy, And His Burthen Is Light17. Chorus: Behold the Lamb of autor God18. Air (Alto) He Was premiado Despised And Rejected handel of Men19. Chorus: autor Surely He Hath Borne Messiah - Importado- Duplo Our Griefs20. Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed21. Chorus: All We Like Sheep barato Have Gone Astray
Disco 2
1. Accompagnato: sucesso (Tenor) All They handel That See Him...2. barato Chorus: He Trusted in Messiah - Importado- Duplo God That He Would Deliver...3. Accompagnato: (Tenor) Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His..4. Arioso: (Tenor) Behold premiado And See If There Be gratis Any...5. Accompagnato: (Soprano) handel He Was Cut premiado off Out of...6. Chorus: Messiah - Importado- Duplo Lift Up Your Heads, o Ye Gates7. Recitative (Tenor) Unto Which of the Angels Said..8. sucesso Chorus: Let All the Angels promoção of God Worship handel Him...9. Air (Countertenor) sucesso Thou Art Gone Up Messiah - Importado- Duplo on High10. Chorus: the Lord Gave the World11. Air: (Countertenor) How Beautiful Are the Feet...12. gratis Chorus: Their Sound Is Gone loja Out Into All handel Lands13. Air (Bass) gratis Why do the Nations Messiah - Importado- Duplo So Furiously Rage...14. Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder15. Recitative: (Tenor) He That Dwelleth promoção in Heaven...16. Chorus: Hallelujah!17. Air: venda (Soprano) I Know handel That My Redeemer promoção Liveth18. Chorus: Since by Messiah - Importado- Duplo Man Came Death19. Accompagnato: (Bass) the Trumpet Shall Sound20. Recitative: (Alto) Then Shall Be Brought21. loja Chorus: But Thanks Be to preco God Who Giveth handel Us the...22. Air: loja (Countertenor) If God Be Messiah - Importado- Duplo for Us, Who Can Be..23. Chorus: Worthy Is the Lamb That Was Slain...

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