Mr. Jelly Lord - Importado

Mr. Jelly Lord is an album that has a fantastic Jelly-Roll Morton stuff. This CD got 16 tracks, which brings together the best of its style, such as "Black Bottom Stomp" and "I´m Alone With You" - some of the highlights. Exceptional CD. Check it out!
Ano: 2007
Gênero: Jazz
Naxos; ASIN: 636943282427
1. Black Bottom Stomp2. Chant3. Dead Man Blues4. Original Jelly Roll Blues5. Grandpa´s Spells6. Beale Street Blues7. Kansas City Stomp8. Shoe Shiner´s Drag9. Deep Creak Blues10. Pretty Lil11. New Orleans Bump12. Ponchartrain13. Blue Blood Blues14. Ham & Eggs15. You Need Some Lovin´16. I´m Alone With You

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