Once in a Lifetime: The Best Of
"Once in a Lifetime" sintetiza a carreira do grupo americano, liderado por David Byrne, de 1977 a 1992. Entre os hits mais marcantes desta coletânea estão "Psycho Killer" e "Burning Down the House".
Ano: 1992
Gênero: Clássicos do Rock
EMI; ASIN: 077778059325
1. Psycho Killer 2. Take Me To The River 3. On ce In a Lifetime 4. Burning Down The House 5. This Must Be The Place 6. Slippery People7. Life During Wartime8. And She Was9. Road To Nowhere10. Wild Wild Life11. Blind12. Flowers13. Sax And Violins14. Lifetime Piling Up