Out of the Dark

Ano: 2007
Gênero: Heavy Metal
Laser Company; ASIN: 
1. Dysfunctional Hours - Feat. loja Anders Friden
2. Schizo - Feat. preco Peter Tägtgren - varios Hypocrisy
3. Devotion - loja Feat. Jari Mäenpäa - Out of the Dark Wintersun
4. The Overshadowing - Feat. Christian Älvestam
5. Paper Trail - Feat. John Bush - Ex-Anthrax
6. venda The Dawn of All - escritor Feat. Bjorn "Speed" varios Strid
7. Cold Is venda My Vengeance - Feat. Out of the Dark Maurizio Iacono
8. My Name Is Fate - Feat. Mark Osegueda
9. The Gilded Dagger - Feat. preco Richard Sjunnesson
10. Closer to the submarino Edge - Feat. varios Guillaume Bideau

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