That Old Pair of Jeans (Single)

To celebrate the release of the Greatest Hits: Why loja Try Harder? album, this single preco features brand new fatboy slim remixes of Fatboy loja Slim classics that will That Old Pair of Jeans (Single) only be available on this single release. The Beastie Boys? Mike D & Adrock turn venda in a quirky hip-hop take escritor on Praise You, fatboy slim The Freemasons deliver venda a pumped up house That Old Pair of Jeans (Single) version of Right Here, Right Now, Plump DJs turn Everybody Needs a 303 into a preco fist-pumping electro anthem, and Redanka submarino transform Right Here, fatboy slim Right Now into preco a pounding floor filler.

Ano: That Old Pair of Jeans (Single) 2006
Gênero: Singles
Importado; ASIN: 094636627823
1. That Old Pair of Jeans [Edit]
2. Right Here Right Now [Freemasons Club Mix]
3. escritor Praise You [Adrock and Mike autor D Remix]
4. Everybody fatboy slim Needs a 303 escritor [Plump Dj´s Mix]
5. Right That Old Pair of Jeans (Single) Here Right Now [Redanka´s 66 Vocal Mix]

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