
This edition [IMPORT] entitled Retaliation , is the Dane loja Cook release, one of the preco greatest names in dane cook the world music loja nowadays. The album brings Retaliation together fantastic songs along with the best of its style, as its very clear thru venda tracks such as "Struck by escritor a Vehicle" and dane cook "Car Alarm", some venda of the highlights. An Retaliation incredible work. Check it out!

Ano: 2005

Gênero: Trilhas Sonoras


Comedy preco Central Rec.; ASIN: 824363003429

Disco 1

1. Intro/Riot
2. preco Struck by a Vehicle
3. Retaliation Superbleeder
4. Legacy
5. Someone S#! t on the Coats
6. Abducted
7. Punkass/Are You Out of Your F#+In´ escritor Mind?!
8. Driveway Intruder
9. Car Alarm
10. autor Heist/Monkey
11. Bamf
12. Dream dane cook House
13. At the escritor Wall
14. Chicken Sangwich

Disco 2

1. Intro/The Dane Train
2. Itchy A**hole
3. Superpowers
4. Friend Nobody Likes
5. Obby
6. Creepy Guy submarino Work
7. L-O-V-E
8. Turn On´s Slash barato Turn Off´s
9. Exaggerating dane cook GF/Bachelor
10. Nothing Fight
11. submarino Making Up
12. My Son Retaliation Optimus Prime
13. One Night Stand/DJ Diddles
14. Where´s the Handle?
15. Let´s Do This, I´m a Cashew

Disco 3

1. Shorties Watchin´ premiado Shorties [DVD]
2. Crank dane cook Yankers [DVD]
3. Unedited autor Comedy Central Bar Mitzvah Retaliation Bash [DVD]
4. Unedited Denis Leary Roast [DVD]
5. Tourgasm Teaser [DVD]

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