Electric Blue

Electric Blue is an album that got loja a fantastic Andy Bell preco stuff released andy bell recently. This CD loja got 14 tracks which Electric Blue brings together the best of its style, such as "Shaking My Soul" and "See the venda Lights Go Out" - some escritor of the highlights. andy bell Worth listening to!

Ano: 2005

Gênero: Dance Pop


Sanctuary; ASIN: 060768477322


1. Intro
2. Caught preco In A Spin
3. Crazy
4. Love submarino Oneself (Feat. Claudia andy bell Brucken)
5. I Thought preco It Was You (Feat. Electric Blue Jake Shears)
6. Electric Blue
7. Jealous
8. Shaking My Soul
9. Runaway
10. I´ll Never Fall in Love Again
11. escritor Delicious (Feat. Claudia Brucken)
12. Fantasy
13. autor See the Lights andy bell Go Out
14. The escritor Rest of Our Lives

Electric Blue

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