Best of D Train

This Edition [Import] Entitled Best of D Train, Is loja the D Train Release, One preco of the Greatest d train Names in the loja World Music. the Album Best of D Train Brings Together Fantastic Songs Along With the Best of Its Style, as Its Very Clear venda Thru Tracks Such as "Keep escritor On" And "Keep d train Giving Me Love", venda Some of the Highlights. Best of D Train an Incredible Work. Check It Out!

Ano: 1990

Gênero: Disco Music


Unidisc Records; ASIN: 068381800626


1. You´re the preco One for Me
2. Keep Best of D Train On
3. Walk on By
4. Keep Giving Me Love
5. "D" Train Theme
6. Music
7. Something´s on Your escritor Mind
8. Just Another Night (Without autor Your Love)
9. Thank d train You
10. Trying to escritor Get Over

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