Attica Blues Big Band

New York City native and alumnus of Goddard College, Archie Shepp started playing jazz in the early 60´s and continues to dazzle audiences around the world playing tenor saxophone and piano, accompanied by his soulful voice. Attica Blues Big Band is a double album that melding elements of the avant-garde, big-band swing, blues, and funk with political and social concerns where Shepp presents his message music with amazing grooves in 16 tracks including "Quiet Dawn", "Ballad for a Child" and "A Change Has Come Over Me". Highly Recommended!

Ano: 1996

Gênero: Avant-Garde Jazz


Inner City; ASIN: 602465441420

Disco 1

1. Attica Blues, Pt. 1
2. Steam
3. Quiet Dawn
4. Hi-Fly
5. U-Jaama
6. Antes de Andios
7. Star Love
8. Moon Bees

Disco 2

1. Strollin´
2. Ballad for a Child
3. Simone
4. Crucificado
5. A Change Has Come Over Me
6. Goodbye Sweet Pops
7. Skippin´
8. Attica Blues, Pt. 2

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