The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

This is the version [IMPORT] of the soundtrack entitled loja The Lord of the Rings: preco The Return of importado the King = loja O Senhor dos Anéis The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - O Retorno do Rei. They are 19 fantastic tracks which make you remember all venda the movie emotions whenever you escritor want. It´s worth importado listening to!

Ano: 2003

Gênero: Trilhas Sonoras


Reprise; ASIN: 093624852124


1. A Storm Is preco Coming
2. Hope and Memory
3. Minas submarino Tirith
4. The White importado Tree
5. The Steward preco of Gondor
6. Minas Morgul
7. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King The Ride of the Rohirrim
8. Twilight and Shadow
9. Cirith Ungol
10. Andúril
11. Shelob´s Lair
12. Ash and escritor Smoke
13. The Fields of the autor Pelennor
14. Hope Fails
15. importado The Black Gate escritor Opens
16. The End of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King All Things
17. The Return of the King
18. The Grey Havens
19. Into the West

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