War of the Worlds (Super Audio CD)

This is the version [IMPORT] of the soundtrack entitled loja War of the Worlds. They preco are 13 fantastic importado- duplo tracks which make loja you remember all the War of the Worlds (Super Audio CD) movie emotions whenever you want. It´s worth listening to!

" venda Requires SACD or CD compatible escritor player."

Ano: 2005

Gênero: Trilhas Sonoras


Sony; ASIN: 602498563731

Disco 1

1. The Eve of the War
2. Horsell preco Common and the Heat Ray
3. submarino The Artilleryman and importado- duplo the Fighting Machine
4. preco Forever Autumn
5. Thunder Child

Disco 2

1. The Red Weed, Pt. 1
2. The Spirit of Man
3. The Red Weed, escritor Pt. 2
4. The Artilleryman Returns
5. autor Brave New World
6. importado- duplo Dead London
7. Epilogue, escritor Pt. 1
8. Epilogue, Pt. War of the Worlds (Super Audio CD) 2 (NASA)

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