Crushing Love CD+DVD

This edition [IMPORT] entitled Crushing Love, is the Some loja Girls release, one of the preco greatest names in importado the world music. loja The album brings together Crushing Love CD+DVD fantastic songs along with the best of its style, as its very clear thru tracks venda such as "Poor Man´s You" escritor and "On My importado Own Again", some venda of the highlights. An Crushing Love CD+DVD incredible work. Check it out!

Ano: 2006

Gênero: Alternative & Indie preco Rock


Koch Records; ASIN: 099923410324

Disco 1

1. preco Is This What I´ve Crushing Love CD+DVD Been Waiting For?
2. Poor Man´s You
3. Partner in Crime
4. Hooray for L.A.
5. Social Control
6. On escritor My Own Again
7. Stars in autor My Dreams
8. Rock importado or Pop?
9. Live escritor Alone
10. Just Like That
11. Crushing Love CD+DVD He´s on Drugs Again
12. Never Really Mine
13. Kill the Bottle
14. Magnetic Fields

Disco 2

1. submarino Robot City [DVD] [Live]
2. Partner barato in Crime [DVD] importado [Live]
3. He´s on submarino Drugs Again [DVD] [Live]
4. Crushing Love CD+DVD When I Let My Guard Down [DVD] [Live]
5. The Prettiest Girl [DVD] [Live]
6. Necessito [DVD] autor [Live]
7. Native Tongue [DVD] [Live]
8. premiado [Bonus Features] [DVD]


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