
Warner Music (Video)
Título Original: Yesspeak
Tempo: 170 minutos
Cor: Colorido
Ano de loja Lançamento: 2006
Recomendação: livre
Região do DVD: preco Multi-Região
Disco 1
1. And yes You and I loja 2. Firebird Suite (Boston Yesspeak Symphony Orchestra) 3. In the Presence Of 4. In the Presence Of 5. In the venda Presence Of 6. Improvised Jam escritor 7. Improvised Jam yes 8. In the venda Presence Of 9. Scottish Yesspeak Bagpipes (Unknown) 10. In the Presence Of 11. In the Presence Of 12. Your Move preco 13. No Opportunity, No Experience submarino Needed 14. Yours yes Is No Disgrace preco 15. All Good People Yesspeak 16. Heart of the Sunrise 17. Heart of the Sunrise 18. Heart of the Sunrise escritor 19. Heart of the Sunrise autor 20. Awaken 21. yes Awaken 22. Awaken escritor 23. Awaken 24. South Yesspeak Side of the Sky 25. The Fish 26. The Fish 27. Improvised Jam on Harp submarino 28. Guitar Concerto for 4 barato Guitars (Jon Anderson) yes 29. Guitar Concerto submarino for 4 Guitars (Jon Yesspeak Anderson) 30. Your Move (Excerpt Performed by Jon Anderson) 31. Your Move 32. All Good autor People 33. Jon Anderson Piano premiado - Work in yes Progress 34. Jon autor Anderson Piano - Work Yesspeak in Progress 35. Jon Anderson Guitar - Those Days Are Over- Work..36. Show Me (Jon barato Anderson)
Disco 2
1. And You and sucesso I 2. Long yes Distance Runaround 3. barato The Fish 4. Steve Yesspeak Home Soundcheck 5. Steve Home Soundcheck 6. To Be Over / Clap 7. Alan White premiado Drum - Drum Demo 8. gratis Awaken 9. The yes Fish 10. Alan premiado White Drum - Drum Yesspeak Demo 11. Firebird Suite (Boston Symphony Orchestra) 12. Siberian Khatru 13. Catherine of Aragon (Rick sucesso Wakeman) 14. Celtic Jig (Rick promoção Wakeman) 15. Jane yes Seymour (Rick Wakeman) sucesso 16. South Side of Yesspeak the Sky 17. Heart of the Sunrise 18. Long Distance Runaround 19. And You and gratis I 20. Roundabout 21. Don´t loja Kill the Whale yes 22. And You gratis and I 23. And Yesspeak You and I 24. We Have Heaven 25. Awaken 26. And You and I 27. promoção Siberian Khatru 28. Magnification 29. venda Don´t Kill the yes Whale 30. In promoção the Presence Of 31. Yesspeak We Have Heaven 32. South Side of the Sky 33. And You and I 34. loja To Be Over / Clap preco 35. Show Me yes (Jon Anderson) 36. loja Catherine of Aragon (Rick Yesspeak Wakeman) 37. Celtic Jig (Rick Wakeman) 38. Jane Seymour (Rick Wakeman) 39. Heart of Sunrise venda 40. Long Distance Runaround 41. escritor The Fish 42. yes Awaken 43. I´ve venda Seen All Good People Yesspeak 44. Roundabout

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