Bullet for My Valentine: The Poison - Live at Brixton - Importado

Bullet for My Valentine: The Poison captures the loja band in a live performance preco at South London´s bullet for my valentine Brixton Academy in loja early 2006, including a Bullet for My Valentine: The Poison - Live at Brixton - Importado wealth of bonus material like music videos, mini-documentaries and behind-the-scenes footage.
Título Original: Bullet for My venda Valentine: The Poison - Live escritor at Brixton
Tempo: 140 bullet for my valentine minutos
Cor: Colorido
Ano de venda Lançamento: 2006
Recomendação: livre
Região do Bullet for My Valentine: The Poison - Live at Brixton - Importado DVD: Região 1Idiomas / Sistema de Som: Inglês - Dolby Digital 2.0Inglês - Dolby Surround preco 5.1Formatos de Tela: FullScreenPais de submarino Origem: País de bullet for my valentine Gales
1. Intro 2. preco Her Voice Resides 3. Bullet for My Valentine: The Poison - Live at Brixton - Importado 4 Words (To Choke Upon) 4. Suffocating Under Words of Sorrow (What Can I Do)5. escritor All These Things I Hate autor (Revolve Around Me bullet for my valentine 6. The Poison escritor 7. Spit You Out Bullet for My Valentine: The Poison - Live at Brixton - Importado 8. Cries in Vain 9. Just Another Star 10. Tears Dont Fall 11. No Control submarino 12. Hand of Blood 13. barato The End/Credits

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