Red Beard (Criterion Collection) - Importado

A testament to the goodness of humankind, Akira Kurosawa?s Red Beard (Akahige) chronicles the tumultuous relationship between an arrogant young doctor and a compassionate clinic director. Toshiro Mifune, in his last role for Kurosawa, gives a powerhouse performance as the dignified yet empathic director who guides his pupil to maturity, teaching the embittered intern to appreciate the lives of his destitute patients. Perfectly capturing the look and feel of 19th-century Japan, Kurosawa weaves a fascinating tapestry of time, place, and emotion. Special Features: - New high-definition digital transfer, with restored image and sound and enhanced for widescreen televisions - Audio commentary by Kurosawa film scholar Stephen Prince - Notes by Japanese film historian Donald Richie - Original theatrical trailer - Optimal image quality: RSDL dual-layer edition
Título Original: Red Beard (Akahige) - O Barba Ruiva
Tempo: 165 minutos
Cor: Preto & Branco
Ano de Lançamento: 2002
Recomendação: 12 anos
Região do DVD: Região 1Legenda: InglêsIdiomas / Sistema de Som: Japonês - Dolby Digital 2.0Formatos de Tela: WidescreenPais de Origem: Japão

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