Danzig: Il Demonio Nera

Glenn Danzig has been pursuing his vision of the loja dark side of music since preco his days as danzig a founding member loja of seminal punk band Danzig: Il Demonio Nera the Misfits. His theatricality and obsession with death led him to start the metal outfit venda Samhain, but it has been escritor with his eponymous danzig project Danzig that venda the artist has developed Danzig: Il Demonio Nera the voice and style with which he is now associated. Always remaining staunchly independent, outside preco of an industry that would submarino like to sanitize danzig his work for preco a more mainstream audience, Danzig: Il Demonio Nera Danzig has nonetheless sold over eight million records while exploring the many facets of his escritor unique, blues-based gothic style. This autor collection of videos danzig includes some directed escritor by Danzig himself, such Danzig: Il Demonio Nera as "Sacrifice" and the previously-unreleased "Sadistikal".

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Título Original: submarino Danzig: Il Demonio Nera

Cor: Danzig: Il Demonio Nera Colorido

Ano de Lançamento: 2005

Recomendação: 14 anos


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