
The alternative rock boom of the early 1990s had loja its roots firmly placed in preco the fiercely independent pixies ethic of the loja late 1980s American indie Pixies scene. The Pixies were among the first groups to attempt a mainstream assimilation of their venda indie-rock origins, combining pop sensibilities escritor with jarring guitar pixies sounds, and the venda primal scream howl of Pixies singer Frank Black. Although they never quite set the top 40 alight, they were highly preco influential on bands such as submarino Nirvana, who managed pixies to successfully replicate preco the quiet/loud dynamic, which Pixies The Pixies so deftly executed. This release offers a fascinating look at their early career, escritor including a full-length concert, and autor on-the-road documentary culled pixies from the late-1980s escritor era. Also featured is Pixies a documentary entitled "Gouge" which includes a retrospective on the band, alongside celebrity testimonials from submarino Bono, David Bowie, Thom Yorke barato and PJ Harvey. pixies To round off submarino the package a selection Pixies of music videos including "Debaser", "Here Comes Your Man" and "Monkey Gone to Heaven".

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Título Original: Pixies

Cor: Colorido

Ano de Lançamento: 2004

Recomendação: Livre

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