Bizet: Les Pecheurs de Perles / Massis, Grassi, Venice Opera

Widely remembered, as the composer of one of the most popular operas of all time, CARMEN , Georges Bizet was also responsible for this lesser-known gem. Written when he was only 25, the work was not well-recieved upon its initial performance in 1863, but has since come to be appreciated for its beauty and orchestral subtlety. The libretto deals with two men, King Zurga of Ceylon and his friend Nadir, who are both in love with a high priestess, Léïla. Though each claim to be over Leila, when Nadir recognizes her in the temple he cannot deny his feelings, which are returned; though she has vowed celibacy, they meet in secret, and are discovered. The jealous Zurga condemns Léïla to death, but when he realizes she intervened on his behalf years ago, he changes his mind with catastrophic results. This production of the only Bizet opera to remain in the repertoire was performed in Venice, with an extraordinary Annick Massis as Léïla, while the staging was executed by Pier Luigi Pizzi.

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Título Original: Bizet: Les Pecheurs de Perles / Massis, Grassi, Venice Opera

Tempo: 122 minutos

Cor: Colorido

Ano de Lançamento: 2005

Recomendação: Livre

Região do DVD: Região 1
Legenda: Inglês, Francês, Espanhol, Alemão
Formatos de Tela: Widescreen
Pais de Origem: França


1. Sur la grave en feu
2. Amis, interrompez vos danses
3. Demeure parmi nous, Nadir
4. C´est toi, toi qu´enfin je revois !
5. Au fond du emple saint
6. Que vois-je ?
7. Sois la bienvenue
8. Suele au milieu de nous
9. À cette voix
10. Je crois entendre encore
11. Le ciel est bleu !
12. O Dieu Brahma !
13. L´ombre descend des cieux
14. Me voilà seula dans la nuit
15. De mon amie
16. Léïla! Dieu puissant !
17. Ah ! revenz à la raison
18. L´orage s´est calmé
19. Qu´ai-je vu ?
20. Je frémis, je chancelle
21. Entends au loin ce bruit de fête
22. Dès que le soleil
23. Sombres divinités
24. Le jour enfin perce la nue !

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