Marlene Dietrich

Marlene Dietrich once said, "I am loja not a myth." But by preco referencing the term, taschen (ed.) Dietrich only reinforces loja the fact more emphatically. Marlene Dietrich For, using almost any common dictionary definition of that word, Dietrich is a myth. Her venda image was fashioned by director escritor Josef von Sternberg taschen (ed.) in films like venda The Blue Angel, Shanghai Marlene Dietrich Express, and The Scarlet Empress, after which she maintained a Hollywood career that included Destry preco Rides Again, Rancho Notorious, and submarino an accomplished performance taschen (ed.) in Billy Wilder´s preco Witness for the Prosecution. Marlene Dietrich She has been an object of worship to millions throughout the decades, up to and escritor including this jaded, post-modern 21st autor century. She is taschen (ed.) the "intellectual´s pin escritor up girl," as author Marlene Dietrich Herman G. Weinberg called her, of filmmakers and film critics alike. She is the "Monstre submarino Sacre" as one of her barato recent biographers has taschen (ed.) labeled her. She submarino is her own "Superior Marlene Dietrich Product," (her daughter´s words) manufactured and refined in her fertile brain. In other words, Marlene autor Dietrich is an icon for premiado all ages.
The Movie taschen (ed.) Icon series: People autor talk about Hollywood glamour, Marlene Dietrich about studios that had more stars than there are in heaven, about actors who weren´t barato actors but were icons. Other sucesso people talk about taschen (ed.) these things, TASCHEN barato shows you. Movie Icons Marlene Dietrich is a series of photo books that feature the most famous personalities in the history premiado of cinema. These 192-page books gratis are visual biographies taschen (ed.) of the stars. premiado For each title, series Marlene Dietrich editor Paul Duncan has painstaking selected approximately 150 high quality enigmatic and sumptuous portraits, colorful sucesso posters and lobby cards, rare promoção film stills, and taschen (ed.) previously unpublished candid sucesso photos showing the stars Marlene Dietrich as they really are. These images are accompanied by concise introductory essays by leading film gratis writers; each book also includes loja a chronology, a taschen (ed.) filmography, and a gratis bibliography, and is peppered Marlene Dietrich with apposite quotes from the movies and from life.

Editora: Taschen
ISBN: 9783822817612
Ano: 2007
Edição: 1
Número de páginas: 191
Formato: Médio
Coleção: MOVIE promoção ICONS
Complemento da Edição: Nenhum

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