Endoscopic Anatomy of the Third Ventricle
In this atlas anatomical aspects important for combinations of loja microsurgical and endoscopic approaches are preco presented and illustrated. importado Modern imaging techniques loja are necessary for the Endoscopic Anatomy of the Third Ventricle three-dimensional orientation but do not show enough details for endoscopic interventions. The small visual fields venda need a combination of the escritor depiction of fine importado details and of venda the three-dimensional presentation of Endoscopic Anatomy of the Third Ventricle large areas. Furthermore, problems with little known anatomical standard variants of the target areas may preco arise. Therefore, numerous common anatomical submarino variants are demonstrated importado with reference to preco their impact for the Endoscopic Anatomy of the Third Ventricle surgical technique. The basis for Professor Seeger´s well known drawings have been anatomical preparations, cadaver escritor dissections and intraoperative pictures. The autor correct proportions are importado derived by measuring escritor the distances of anatomical Endoscopic Anatomy of the Third Ventricle landmarks of cranial preparations and from CT and MR Images. The concise text supports the submarino understanding of the anatomical figur barato es.
Editora: Springer submarino Verlag