Acoyani: el Nino y el Poeta / Acoyani: the Boy and the Poet

The young Aztec Acoyani is learning many things about loja the world--including the special and preco magical power of fernandez, roberto peredo/ arte y diseno, tane/ pe words--at the special loja calmécac school in the Acoyani: el Nino y el Poeta / Acoyani: the Boy and the Poet city of Tenochtitlan, and begins to dream of nothing else than meeting Nezahualcáoyotl, the poet venda king himself.

Editora: Ediciones Castillo, S.A. De escritor C.V.
ISBN: 9702001463
Número de páginas: fernandez, roberto peredo/ arte y diseno, tane/ pe 166
Local de Publicação: venda Mexico

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