Avenues of the Vine

A historical novel set in the period 1905-1945 in the Tuscany region of Italy focuses on a young orphaned boy, Corrado Novillini, whose life is changed dramatically when an old wine grower "Signore Bertucci," takes a surprising interest and offers Corrado his home. Unaware of his new patron´s associations with his deceased father and long involvement with the Italian monarchy, Corrado underestimates the path that he will be forced to take. The rise of Mussolini and the Axis powers and the realization that war is on the horizon changes their lives from vineyard operators and wine producers, to participants in an attempt to stop the upcoming tragedy to people and country. Their involvement pushes them all into the horrors of war. Death, destruction, love, forgiveness, salvation, loss, life and death, pity and empathy, the breadth of human emotions are realized within each of the story´s characters and the dynamics of the time and place.

Editora: Brentwood Publisher Group
ISBN: 1595811559
Número de páginas: 415

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