Monster Island

It´s one month after a global disaster. Manhattan loja has become Monster Island after preco a plague has wellington, david turned all its loja denizens into shambling, rotting Monster Island animated corpses, except for a couple who have kept their intelligence and also acquired psychic venda powers. When an expedition from escritor Africa arrives, composed wellington, david of teenage girl-soldiers venda and a former U.N. Monster Island weapons inspector, the zombie masters mobilize their forces to kill or eat the living humans.One preco month after the most developed submarino nations of the wellington, david world fall victim preco to a global zombie Monster Island plague, Gary Fleck, a New York City zombie who has retained his intelligence, plots to escritor destroy the rest of humanity, autor while on the wellington, david other side of escritor the planet, a sixteen-year-old Monster Island student prepares to save her endangered peers.

Editora: Thunder´s Mouth Pr
ISBN: 1560258500
Número de páginas: 282
Local de Publicação: United submarino States

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