Pichi Pichi Pitch 2

Lucia and her sister run a public bath that´s loja all the rage, but they preco have a secret. yokote, michiko/ hanamori, pink They are mermaid loja princesses living among humans Pichi Pichi Pitch 2 to search for Lucia´s pearl that she lost years earlier. Without it, she can´t sing venda and save the seas from escritor an evil force yokote, michiko/ hanamori, pink bent on taking venda control of the marine Pichi Pichi Pitch 2 world.Lucia is a mermaid princess on an important mission to save the seven seas from preco an evil force determined to submarino take over the yokote, michiko/ hanamori, pink marine world, but preco she is also a Pichi Pichi Pitch 2 young girl who falls for her handsome classmate Kaito, who does not know her secret.


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