The Iliad - Importado- BOX 3 CDs

Este audiobook traz "A Ilíada", a epopéia do grego Homero. São três CDs, que trazem esta belíssima obra com a narração de Anton Lesser.
Ano: 1995
Gênero: AudioBook
Naxos; ASIN: 730099006224
Disco 1
1. Introduction2. Achilles and Agamemnon Quarrel3. Agamemnon Claims Bryseis4. Zeus Sends a Dream to Agamemnon5. Paris Retreats from Menelaus6. Zeus and Hera Look Down on Troy7. Diomede (Tydides) Leads the Greeks Into Action8. Aphrodite and Ares Wounded9. With the Gods Retired, Success is Varied10. Bravest Hector, Moved by Honour´s Meed
Disco 2
1. Ajax Challenges Hector2. Zeus Convenes the Gods in Council3. Agamemnon (Atrides) Calls His Council4. Nestor Advises Conciliation With Achilles5. Phoenix, Aged Warrior, Replies to Achilles6. Zeus Sends Discord to the Achaian Lines7. Patroklos Begs Achilles to Be Allowed to Fight8. First Zeus and Then Apollo Change the Course of...9. Ajax Defends the Body of Patroklos (Menoetiades)10. Antilochus Bears the Tragic News
Disco 3
1. Hephaestus Forges Godlike Armour2. Thetis Brings the Armour to Her Son3. The Greeks and the Trojans Face Each Other Again4. The Road to Troy5. Hector os Caught Outside the Scaean Gate6. This is Mine Hour to Die7. Such Mourning Was in Troy8. Achilles Still Mourns His Friend9. Hermes, Benefactor of Mankind10. Now All Were Hushed by Gentle Sleep Subdued

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