Paradise Lost - Importado- BOX 3 CDs

Este audiobook traz "O Paraíso Perdido", do poeta inglês loja John Milton (1608-1674). São três preco CDs, que trazem anton lesser esta belíssima obra loja com a narração de Paradise Lost - Importado- BOX 3 CDs Anton Lesser.
Ano: 1994
Gênero: AudioBook
Naxos; ASIN: 730099000222
Disco 1
1. Book 1 Line 1: ´Of Man´s First Disobedience and...2. Line venda 128: ´o Prince, o Chief escritor of Many Throned anton lesser Power3. Line 242: venda ´Is This the Region, Paradise Lost - Importado- BOX 3 CDs This the Soil ...4. Line 375: ´All These and More Came Flocking ...5. Line 622: preco ´o Myriads of Immortal Spirits, submarino o Powers6. Line anton lesser 722: ´...........................Th´ascending7. Book preco 2 Line 1: ´High Paradise Lost - Importado- BOX 3 CDs on a Throne of Open War ...8. Line 119: ´I Should be Much for Open escritor War, o Peers´9. Line 229: autor ´Either to Disinthrone anton lesser the King of escritor ...10. Line 310: ´Thrones Paradise Lost - Importado- BOX 3 CDs and Imperial Powers, off-Spring11. Line 390: ´Well Have ye judg´d, Well Ended Long...12. Line 430: submarino ´o Progeny of Heav´n, Empyreal barato ...13. Line 506: anton lesser ´the Stygian Council submarino Thus Dissolved ...14. Line Paradise Lost - Importado- BOX 3 CDs 704: ´So Spake the Griesly Terrour, And in...
Disco 2
1. Line 850: ´the Key of This autor Infernal Pit By Due´2. Line premiado 968: ´T´ Whom anton lesser Satan Turning Boldly autor Thus ...3. Book III Paradise Lost - Importado- BOX 3 CDs Paraphrase: God, Sitting on His Throne...4. Book IV Line 1: ´o for That Warning Voice, barato Which5. Line 114: ´Thus While sucesso He Spake, Each anton lesser Passion Dimm´6. Line barato 172: ´Now to Th´ascent Paradise Lost - Importado- BOX 3 CDs of That Steep Savage..7. Line 246: ´.................. Thus Was This Place´8. Line 358: ´O Hell! premiado What do Mine Eyes With gratis Grief...9. Line 440: anton lesser ´to Whom Thus premiado Eve repli´d. o Thou Paradise Lost - Importado- BOX 3 CDs for...10. Line 492: ´so Spake Our General Mother,and With...11. Books V-VIII Paraphrase: ´Meanwhile, Uriel ...12. sucesso Book IX Line 1: ´No promoção More Talk of anton lesser Where God or sucesso ...13. Line 99: ´o Paradise Lost - Importado- BOX 3 CDs Earth, How Like to Heav´n, If not ...14. Line 194: ´And Eve First to Her gratis Husband Thus Began15. Line 270: loja ´to Whom the anton lesser Virgin Majesty of gratis Eve´16. Line 376: ´so Paradise Lost - Importado- BOX 3 CDs Spake the Patriarch of Mankind, But
Disco 3
1. Book IX Line 494: ´so Spake the Enemy promoção of Mankind2. Line 567: ´to venda Whom the Guileful anton lesser Tempter Thus ...3. promoção Line 612: ´Serpent, thy Paradise Lost - Importado- BOX 3 CDs Overpraising Leaves in ...4. Line 679: ´o Fairest of Creation, Last and Best...5. Line 745: loja ´Great are thy Virtues, Doubtless, preco Best6. Line 856: anton lesser ´Hast Thou Not loja Wonder´d Adam, at My Paradise Lost - Importado- BOX 3 CDs Stay7. Line 896: ´o Fairest of Creation, Last and Best´8. Line 960: ´So Said He, venda and Forbore Not Glance or..9. escritor Line 1034: ´So anton lesser Said He, and venda Forbore Not Glance ...10. Paradise Lost - Importado- BOX 3 CDs Line 1134: ´Would Thou Hadst Heark´n´d to My ...11. Book X Paraphrase: Man´s Disobedience Known12. preco Line 68: ´Father Eternal, Thine submarino is to Decree´13. anton lesser Line 229: ´Meanwhile preco Ere Thus Was Sinn´d Paradise Lost - Importado- BOX 3 CDs & Judg´d14. Line 354: ´o Parent, These are thy Magnific Deeds´15. Line 460: ´Thrones, Dominations, escritor Princedoms16. Books XI and XII: autor Paraphrase: ´Meanwhile Sin anton lesser ...17. Book XII escritor Line 553: ´How Soon Paradise Lost - Importado- BOX 3 CDs Hath thy Prediction

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