Illusionist - Importado

This is the version [IMPORT] of the soundtrack entitled Illusionist. They are 21 fantastic tracks which make you remember all the movie emotions whenever you want. It´s worth listening to!
Ano: 2006
Gênero: Trilhas Sonoras
Rykodisc; ASIN: 014431088421
1. The Illusionist2. Do You Know Me?3. Chance Encounter4. The Locket5. The Orange Tree6. The Mirror7. Wish I Would See You Again8. The Sword9. Meeting in the Carriage10. Sophie11. The Secret Plot12. Sophie´s Ride to the Castle13. The Accident14. The New Theater15. Frankel Appears16. A Shout from the Crowd17. Eisenheim Disappears18. The Search19. The Missing Gem20. The Chase21. Life in the Mountains

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