Complete Songs

Tchaikovsky´s songs represent a little-known but highly characteristic facet of his musical personality. In all he composed over 100 songs, most of wich are set to poetic texts about the problems of emotional entanglement. Tchakovsky frequently takes these sentimental verses and transforms them into miniature dramas, in which he invested all his skill as an operatic composer. Artists: Ljuba Kazarnovskaya (Soprano), Ljuba Orfenova (Piano)

Ano: 2001

Gênero: Solo


Naxos; ASIN: 747313537129


1. Both Painfully and Sweetly, Op. 6, No. 3
2. My Genius, My Angel, Op. 6, No. 3
3. Only You Alone, Op. 57, No. 6
4. Do Nost Ask, Op. 57, No. 5
5. Death, Op. 57, No. 5
6. No, Only He Who Has Known, Op. 6, No. 6
7. Why? Op. 6, No. 5
8. The First Meeting, Op. 63, No. 4
9. Not a Word, O My Friend, Op. 6, No. 2
10. Pimpinella, Op. 38, No. 6
11. Sleed, Poor Friend, Op. 47, No. 4
12. I Opened the Window, Op. 63, No. 2
13. The Fires int eh Room Were Already Out, Op.63, Nº5
14. Serenade, Op. 63, No. 6
15. Why Did I Dream of You? Op. 28, No. 3
16. I Do Not Please You, Op. 63, No. 3
17. Do Not Believe, My Friend, Op. 6, No. 1
18. The Fearful Minute, Op. 28, No. 6
19. Sleep, Op. 57, No. 4
20. I Did Not Love You at First, Op. 63, No. 1
21. On the Golden Cornfields, Op. 57, No. 2

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