
Compiled by John Christopher Smith, the son of Handel´s long-time assistant, the oratorio or sacred drama Nabal, sometimes described as a pastiche, provided a winning synthesis of religion and entertainment at time when newly-minted oratorios, drawing chiefy on biblical subjects, were in vogue. Religion, Italianate melodies, string choral writing and demonstrable dramatic sense are all present in Nabal, the recitatives presumably the work of Smith, while the arias are largely borrowed from Handel´s operas, oratorios, anthems and cantatas.

Ano: 2002

Gênero: Choral


Naxos; ASIN: 747313527625

Disco 1

1. Part 1 - Symphonia
2. Part 1 - Recitative: Here in the Wilderness ...
3. Part 1 - Chorus: the Righteous Shall Be Had ...
4. Part 1 - Accompagnato: Have Mercy on Us, Lord
5. Part 1 - Air: Food They Ask´d
6. Part 1 - Recitative: no Doubt
7. Part 1 - Air: the Lord, Our Guide
8. Part 1 - Chorus: the Lord, Our Guide
9. Part 1 - Recitative: How Hard the Woman´s Fate
10. Part 1 - Air: Free From Discord
11. Part 1 - Recitative: Avaunt, Unpleasing Wretch
12. Part 1 - Air: Still Fill the Bowl
13. Part 1 - Ballo And Minuet
14. Part 1 - Gavotte
15. Part 1 - Siciliana
16. Part 1 - Air: Gay And Light as Yonder Sheep
17. Part 1 - Chorus: Gay And Light as Yonder Sheep
18. Part 1 - Recitative: ´Tis Carmel´s Annual Holiday
19. Part 1 - Chorus: Happy, While We Reign in Pleasure
20. Part 2 - Recitative: Asaph, ´Tis Well Advis´d
21. Part 2 - Air: Great Creator
22. Part 2 - Chorus: God, Who in Thy Heav´nly Hand
23. Part 2 - Recitative And Accompagnato: Thus ...
24. Part 2 - Air: Grateful Hearts Enjoy the Blessing
25. Part 2 - Recitative: Who Is This David?
26. Part 2 - Air: With Harps New Strung
27. Part 2 - Solo And Chorus: Come! Come! Live ...
28. Part 2 - Air And Chorus: Sing We the Feast
29. Part 2 - Chorus: Crown With Festal Pomp the Day

Disco 2

1. Part 2 - Accompagnato: Thrice Happy Sheep
2. Part 2 - Air: Mind Eternal
3. Part 2 - Recitative: Fly My Good Mistress
4. Part 2 - Accompagnato: Fell Monster!
5. Part 2 - Air: Fury in All Thy Terrors Rise
6. Part 2 - Accompagnato: on Me, My Lord, on Me
7. Part 2 - Air: Mercy, Thou Heavn´ly Cherub
8. Part 2 - Accompagnato: Blessed Be the Lord
9. Part 2 - Chorus: All Creatures Upon God Depend
10. Part 3 - Interludes
11. Part 3 - Accompagnato: Ah! Whence This Sudde
12. Part 3 - Air: Oh! Who Can Tell the Terrors?
13. Part 3 - Recitative: How Soon the Scene Is Chang´d
14. Part 3 - Chorus: by Slow Degrees the Wrath of God
15. Part 3 - Recitative: a Messenger, My Lord
16. Part 3 - Air: When Beauty Sorrow´s Livery Wears
17. Part 3 - Recitative: True Is Your Observation
18. Part 3 - Air: Lovely Beauty
19. Part 3 - Recitative: Behold! Thine Handmaid
20. Part 3 - Air: Come Ye Smiling Hours
21. Part 3 - Accompagnato: Guardian Angels
22. Part 3 - Duet: Thrice Happy Pair
23. Part 3 - Solo And Chorus: Still Caressing
24. Part 3 - Recitative: in Praise, to Great Jehovah
25. Part 3 - Duet: Thoughts Sublime
26. Part 3 - Chorus: o Glorious Prince

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