Nice Talking to Me

" Spin Doctors " is doubtless one of the greatest names in its music style, with a successful career. In this album, entitled " Nice Talking to Me ", 10 tracks, as " Sugar ", " Margarita ", " Happily Ever After " and " My Problem Now ", are the highlights. It´s a fantastic masterpiece that can´t stay out from your collection. Worth listening to!

Ano: 2005

Gênero: Bandas


Ruffnation Music; ASIN: 855114001005


1. Nice Talking to Me
2. Sugar
3. Margarita
4. Happily Ever After
5. I´d Like to Love You
6. Can´t Kick the Habit
7. My Problem Now
8. Genuine
9. Tonight You Could Steal Me Away
10. Safety Pin

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