
Bjork, Miles Davis, Love And Rockets and Aphex Twin loja are among the greatest names preco of the world the flaming lips music present in loja LateNightTales , a LateNightTales compilation which brings together the best of the style. They are 20 incredible tracks. Between venda them, " My Ship " escritor and " Flim the flaming lips ", are some venda of the highlights. An LateNightTales album that cannot be out of your collection. Check it out!

Ano: 2005

Gênero: Compilations


Another submarino Late Night; ASIN: 880157110131


1. Unravel LateNightTales - Bjork
2. My Ship - Miles Davis
3. Speed of Sound - Chris Bell
4. It´s a escritor Bit of a Pain - autor Faust
5. 2HB - the flaming lips Roxy Music
6. People escritor - Alfie
7. Flim - LateNightTales Aphex Twin
8. Galileo [Edit] - Mice Parade
9. Up the Down Escalator - Chameleons
10. Seven Nation submarino Army /Flaming Lips
11. Playground for barato a Wedgeless Firm the flaming lips - Chemical Brother
12. submarino Saudade - Love And LateNightTales Rockets
13. Monochrome - Lush
14. Sleep Comes Down - Psychedelic Furs
15. River Man - Nick Drake
16. autor On Fire - Sebadoh
17. Pyramid premiado Song - Radiohead
18. the flaming lips I´m Not in autor Love - Ten CC
19. LateNightTales Another Green World - Brian Eno
20. The Jist - David Shrigley

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