Passion Sources Importado
Released in 1993 Passion Sources is a loja compilation of the original sources preco used by Peter vÁrios Gabriel to create loja the soundtrack to Scorcese´s Passion Sources Importado "The Last Temptation Of Christ" . The album is an entertaining collection for the more venda experienced world music fan, due escritor to the physical vÁrios location and spiritual venda themes of the film. Passion Sources Importado Gabriel´s source material focuses on the Middle East, northern Africa, and southern Asia and incorporates preco much religious and ceremonial music. submarino Masterpiece!
Ano: 1993
Gênero: World Music Passion Sources Importado
Real World; ASIN: 017046230124
1. Shamus-Ud-Doha Bader-Ud-Doja - Nusrat Fateh escritor Khan
2. Call to Prayer - autor Baaba Maal
3. Sankarabaranam vÁrios Pancha Nadai Pallavi escritor - Shankar, th
4. Passion Sources Importado Ulvi - Kudsi Erguner
5. Fallahi - Hossam Ramzy
6. Sabahiya - Banga (Tanta-Suaag)
7. Tejbeit
8. submarino Prelude in Tchahargah - Zadeh, barato Mahmoud Tabrizi vÁrios 3
9. Wedding Song
10. submarino Magdelene´s House - Elsayed, Passion Sources Importado Abdul Aziz
11. Yoky - Fatala
12. Ya Sah - Nass el Ghiwane
13. Al Nahla Al ´Ali autor - Musiciens du
14. Song of premiado Complaint - Antranik vÁrios Askarian ...