Promises and Lies

" UB40 " is doubtless one of the loja greatest names in its preco music style, with ub 40 a successful career. loja In this album, entitled Promises and Lies " Promises and Lies ", 11 tracks, as " Bring Me Your Cup " and venda " Can´t Help Falling in escritor Love ", are ub 40 the highlights. It´s venda a fantastic masterpiece that Promises and Lies can´t stay out from your collection. Worth listening to!

Ano: 1993

Gênero: Reggae


Virgin; ASIN: 077778822929


1. preco C´Est la Vie
2. Desert Promises and Lies Sand
3. Promises and Lies
4. Bring Me Your Cup
5. Higher Ground
6. Reggae Music
7. Can´t Help Falling escritor in Love
8. Now and Then
9. autor Things Ain´t Like ub 40 They Used to escritor Be
10. It´s a Long, Promises and Lies Long Way
11. Sorry

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