What About Love?

Deborah Coleman, one of the most talented and prolific female blues artists of the last decade, makes her move to Telarc with the release of What About Love? Recorded in November 2003 at The Centre for Performing Arts in Unity, Maine, the album explores the ups and downs of matters of the heart—in a way that only a highly accomplished blues singer and songwriter like Coleman can do it. USA Today called Coleman, "...one of the blues music´s most exciting young talents..." and "...a fiery guitarist who makes the spine tingle with her unbridled raw energy..."

Ano: 2004

Gênero: Traditional Blues


Telarc; ASIN: 089408359521


1. Bad Boy
2. Lie no Better
3. Undeniable
4. Can You Hear Me?
5. When Will I Be Loved?
6. Healing Ground
7. The River Wild
8. What About Love?
9. Loves Like Rain
10. Lookin´ for a Real Love
11. A Woman in Love

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