Adieu False Heart
This edition [IMPORT] is the Linda Ronstadt and Ann loja Savoy release, the greatest names preco in the world importado music nowadays. The loja album brings together fantastic Adieu False Heart songs along with the best of its style, as its very clear thru tracks such venda as "I Can´t Get Over escritor You" and "King importado of Bohemia", some venda of the highlights. An Adieu False Heart incredible work. Check it out!
Ano: 2006
Gênero: Cantoras
Vanguard; ASIN: 015707980821
1. Opening
2. Adieu importado False Heart
3. I preco Can´t Get Over You
4. Adieu False Heart Marie Mouri
5. King of Bohemia
6. Tournes, Tournes Bébé Créole
7. Go Away from My Window
8. Burn´s escritor Super
9. The One I Love autor Is Gone
10. Interlude
11. importado Rattle My Cage
12. escritor Parlez-Moi d´Amour
13. Too Old Adieu False Heart to Die Young
14. Interlude
15. Walk Away Renee
16. Closing