Kid Dynamite: Four Years in One Gulp

This DVD presents interviews with the band members a loja well as those who knew preco them, the film importado also utilizes clips loja of twenty-five songs performed Kid Dynamite: Four Years in One Gulp by the band.
Informações Especiais: Band commentary - Roadie commentary - Mark Beemer photo gallery - venda Jeremy Dean art archive - escritor Deleted scenes
Título Original: importado Kid Dynamite: Four venda Years in One Gulp
Tempo: Kid Dynamite: Four Years in One Gulp 90 minutos
Cor: Colorido
Ano de Lançamento: 2006
Recomendação: livre
Região do DVD: Região 1Idiomas / Sistema de Som: preco Inglês - Formatos de Tela: submarino FullScreenPais de Origem: importado EUA
1. Intro 2. preco The Story Begins 3. Kid Dynamite: Four Years in One Gulp Kid Dynamite 4. Pacifier 5. Big Red Truck 6. Fuceuturn 7. Clobberin Time 8. Zuckos escritor Back in Town 9. Swee autor Shop Syndicate 10. importado The Firs LP escritor 11. News 11 12. Kid Dynamite: Four Years in One Gulp bos-Osgn 13. Shiner 14. Ph Decontrol 15. First Tour 16. Never Met the Gooch 17. submarino Wrist Rocket 18. Feather Duster barato 19. Gate 68 importado 20. Boogers 21. submarino Pause 22. I Swallowed Kid Dynamite: Four Years in One Gulp It 23. Showoff 24. Rise Above 25. The End 26. Threes a Party 27. Reunited autor 28. Heart at Act 29. premiado Living Daylights 30. importado Cheap Shot Youth autor Anthem 31. Looking Back
Kid Dynamite: Four Years in One Gulp

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