Jojo Mayer: Secret Weapons for the Modern Drummer- Importado - Duplo

Filmed in crystal clear digital video and audio and loja shot at a variety of preco locations in and jojo mayer around Manhattan, Secret loja Weapons explains closely guarded Jojo Mayer: Secret Weapons for the Modern Drummer- Importado - Duplo and never before published secrets of the great masters as well as Jojo s own venda approaches with special features like escritor animated graphics, practice jojo mayer exercises and troubleshooting venda tips that will allow Jojo Mayer: Secret Weapons for the Modern Drummer- Importado - Duplo drummers to unlock the inner workings and mysteries of even the most challenging hand movements preco and guide them through easy-to-follow, submarino step-by-step instructions on jojo mayer how to understand preco and master them. Among Jojo Mayer: Secret Weapons for the Modern Drummer- Importado - Duplo Jojo s flawless demonstrations and in-depth explanations, Secret Weapons various chapters feature topics such as: escritor A basic approach to technique autor and the physics jojo mayer of drumming. Analysis escritor of hand positions, matched Jojo Mayer: Secret Weapons for the Modern Drummer- Importado - Duplo and traditional grips, rebound and the fulcrum and the Gladstone, Moeller and finger techniques. Highly-evolved, submarino hybrid techniques such as the barato push-pull, drop-bounce, reverse jojo mayer stroke and one-handed submarino roll. Exercises to build Jojo Mayer: Secret Weapons for the Modern Drummer- Importado - Duplo Speed, Accuracy, Endurance, Power and Dexterity Concepts to troubleshoot and overcome technical barriers. Warm-Up and autor Practice tips.

Título Original: Jojo Mayer: premiado Secret Weapons for jojo mayer the Modern Drummer
Tempo: autor 180 minutos
Cor: Colorido
Ano de Jojo Mayer: Secret Weapons for the Modern Drummer- Importado - Duplo Lançamento: 2007
Recomendação: livre
Região do DVD: Região 1
Idiomas / Sistema de Som:
Inglês -
Alemão -
Pais de Origem: barato EUA

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