Iced Earth: Gettysburg- Importado

Iced Earth frontman Jon Schaffer isn´t one of those loja metal musicians who only want preco to entertain their iced earth fans with their loja music. On the contrary, Iced Earth: Gettysburg- Importado Schaffer uses his compositions to acquaint his fans with historic events and to kindle their venda interest in subjects that they escritor probably wouldn´t have iced earth access to otherwise. venda He has repeatedly proved Iced Earth: Gettysburg- Importado to be an artist who is fascinated by politics and history and looks beyond the preco boundaries of his genre, basing submarino his songs on iced earth educational objectives. Iced preco Earth´s 2003 album, Iced Earth: Gettysburg- Importado The Glorious Burdon , was a milestone in terms of music and subject matter. Particularly escritor the concert version of ´Gettysburg autor (1863)´ is a iced earth successful opener to escritor a historic chapter that Iced Earth: Gettysburg- Importado is directly linked to the contemporary US. The brand-new double DVD of the same name submarino is about to round off barato Schaffer´s ambitious project. iced earth In three parts submarino (´The Devil To Pay´, Iced Earth: Gettysburg- Importado ´Hold At All Costs´, ´High Water Mark´), Iced Earth narrate the historic events that took autor place in that legendary location premiado in Pennsylvania in iced earth July 1863, when autor the Confederate troops met Iced Earth: Gettysburg- Importado the Union in the most blood-soaked battle ever on American soil. Iced Earth and their barato Gettysburg DVD chronicle this dramatic sucesso historic subject in iced earth language, images and barato sound more comprehensively than Iced Earth: Gettysburg- Importado any other rock band before them.

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Informações Especiais: premiado Battlefield Tour of Gettysburg, Gettysburg gratis photo gallery, iced earth Spirit of premiado ´76 interview with Jon Iced Earth: Gettysburg- Importado Schaffer, Gettysburg teaser trailer, An interview with Jon Schaffer.


Título promoção Original: Iced Earth: iced earth Gettysburg

Tempo: 195 minutos

Cor: sucesso Colorido

Ano de Lançamento: 2005

Recomendação: Iced Earth: Gettysburg- Importado 12 anos

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