Tokyo Story- Importado

Tokyo Monogatari follows an aging couple, Tomi and Shukichi, as they journey from their rural village to visit their two married children in bustling, postwar Tokyo. Their reception, however, is disappointing: too busy to entertain them, the children send them off to a health spa. After Tomi falls ill, she and Shukichi return home, while the children, grief-stricken, hasten to be with her. Starring Ozu regulars Chishu Ryu and Setsuko Hara, the film reprises one of the director´s favorite themes that of generational conflict in a way that is quintessentially Japanese and yet so universal in its appeal that it continues to resonate as one of cinema greatest masterpieces.

Diretor: YASUJIRO OZU   

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Informações Especiais: Newly restored digital transfer of film with improved subtitle translation - Audio commentary by Ozu-scholar David Desser, editor of Ozu´s Tokyo Story - Original trailer


Título Original: Tokyo Story: Tokyo monogatari

Tempo: 136 minutos

Cor: Preto & Branco

Ano de Lançamento: 2003

Recomendação: 14 anos

Região do DVD: R

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