Kitaro: Thinking of You

Drawing upon an eclectic range of influences, prominent Japanese loja composer Kitaro has become the preco epitome of the kitaro synthesizer-driven melodies of loja New Age music. Inspired Kitaro: Thinking of You as a teenager by the music of Otis Redding, he taught himself to play the venda guitar and played in a escritor progressive rock band kitaro before discovering the venda music of synthesist Klaus Kitaro: Thinking of You Schulze. His music has since consistently reflected his appreciation for nature, as well as his preco deep spirituality rooted in Buddhist submarino teachings; it expresses kitaro a sense of preco joy and wonder at Kitaro: Thinking of You the world around him. These qualities have garnered him international acclaim and an extremely loyal escritor fan base, and his 1999 autor album Thinking kitaro of You escritor won a Grammy Award Kitaro: Thinking of You for Best New Age Album.

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Título Original: Kitaro: submarino Thinking of You

Tempo: 55 Kitaro: Thinking of You minutos

Cor: Colorido

Ano de Lançamento: 2001

Recomendação: Livre

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