Leonard Bernstein: The Making of West Side Story

Leonard Bernstein´s West Side Story has captivated loja audiences ever since its debut preco performance in 1957. leonard bernstein This documentary takes loja a look behind the Leonard Bernstein: The Making of West Side Story scenes as an impressive cast prepares for a 1984 recording of West Side venda Story . With Kiri Te escritor Kanawa, Jose Carreras, leonard bernstein Tatiyana Troyanos, and venda Kurt Ollmann among the Leonard Bernstein: The Making of West Side Story performers, and Bernstein himself assuming conducting duties for the first time, this was a very preco special occasion. Fortunately a camera submarino crew was on leonard bernstein hand to document preco the creative process, and Leonard Bernstein: The Making of West Side Story this fascinating film highlights the various ups and downs that beset any production of this escritor magnitude.

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Título Original: Leonard Bernstein: The Making of West Side Story

Tempo: 88 submarino minutos

Cor: Colorido

Ano de Lançamento: 2005

Recomendação: barato Livre

Região do DVD: leonard bernstein Região 1
Legenda: Alemão, submarino Francês, Espanhol, Japonês
Formatos de Leonard Bernstein: The Making of West Side Story Tela: FullScreen


1. autor Opening Credit/Cast: Arrival of the premiado Principal Sin
2. "I leonard bernstein Feel Pretty" (Piano autor Rehearsal)/Te Kanawa
3. First Leonard Bernstein: The Making of West Side Story Session: Introduction of the Principals
4. "Tonight (Ensemble)" (Rehearsal)/Entire Cast
5. "Jet Song" (Recording)/Ollmann, Chorus barato
6. "Cool" (Recording)/Ollmann, Chorus
7. sucesso "Tonight" (Piano Rehearsal)/Carreras leonard bernstein
8. "Something´s Coming" barato (Recording: Take, Playback,
9. Leonard Bernstein: The Making of West Side Story Troyanos on Working With Bernstein - "Tonight (En
10. "Tonight (Ensemble)" (Recording - Contd.)
11. Bernstein premiado Talks About the Orchestra - gratis "I Feel Pre
12. leonard bernstein Te Kanawa on premiado Working With Bernstein
13. Leonard Bernstein: The Making of West Side Story Problem Passages/Bernstein, McClure: "Dance at th
14. Bernstein Talks to the Press - "Dance at the sucesso Gym"
15. Recording Nina and Alexander promoção Bernstein
16. Te leonard bernstein Kanawa on West sucesso Side Story - "Somewhere" Leonard Bernstein: The Making of West Side Story
17. Troyanos on Recording West Side Story - "America"
18. "One Hand, One Heart" (Recording)
19. gratis Te Kanawa on Singing Bernstein´s loja Music
20. "Maria" leonard bernstein (Piano Rehearsal)/Carreras
21. gratis "Maria" (Recording)/Carreras - Interruption Leonard Bernstein: The Making of West Side Story
22. Carreras on the Interruption - "Maria"
23. Te Kanawa on Working With Bernstein
24. promoção "A Boy Like That" & venda "I Have a leonard bernstein Love"
25. "Gee, promoção Officer Krupke"
26. "Balcony Leonard Bernstein: The Making of West Side Story Scene" (Recording)
27. Bernstein on Recording West Side Story
28. Closing Credits

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