
Anders Rønnow Klarlund´s stunning new film imagines a mythical kingdom populated entirely by stringed puppets. The Emperor of Hebalon dies a dramatic death, taking a terrible secret to the grave with him. His young son, Hal Tara, is set to take over the throne, however, his uncle leads him to believe his father was murdered by the Zeriths, their sworn enemy. Forced to set out to avenge his father´s death, Hal is unaware of the perils he is facing, both inside his kingdom and out. As he faces new challenges on this journey, he ends up discovering the truth about his own people - and where he least expects it - he finds true love. A dramatic tale of adventure, bondage and liberation; of love and war, destiny and vitality, identity and common humanity, Strings is a magical blend of themes that range from Shakespeare to Star Wars to The Lord of the Rings.


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Informações Especiais: Closed-captioned - Behind the scenes - Original trailer - Trailer gallery - Filmographies


Título Original: Strings

Tempo: 91 minutos

Cor: Colorido

Ano de Lançamento: 2005

Recomendação: Livre

Região do DVD: Região 1
Formatos de Tela: Widescreen

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