Going To School With Dad on My Back

When a widowed father cannot find enough money to send both his children to school, he puts his son´s education first, leaving his daughter to stay at home and do fieldwork. This decision, and a later tragedy, puts pressure on Shiwa, the son, who from this point on feels torn between worrying about his future and his responsibilites to his family.
Diretor: ZHOU YOUCHAO   
Título Original: Going To School With Dad on My Back
Tempo: 90 minutos
Cor: Colorido
Ano de Lançamento: 2005
Recomendação: 12 anos
Região do DVD: Região 1Legenda: InglêsIdiomas / Sistema de Som: Chinês - Dolby Digital PrologicFormatos de Tela: FullScreenPais de Origem: China

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