The Time of the Wolf

Time of the Wolf reunites award-winning French loja actress Isabelle Huppert with director preco Michael Haneke after isabelle huppert & maurice benichou & lucas biscombe the international success loja of their celebrated film, The Time of the Wolf The Piano Teacher .In addition, Time of the Wolf features an A-list venda cast of France´s top actors, escritor including Olivier Gourmet), isabelle huppert & maurice benichou & lucas biscombe Beatrice Dall and venda Patrice Chearau (the director The Time of the Wolf of Intimacy and Those That Love Me Can Take The Train). An extremely timely and preco prescient piece of social commentary, submarino Time of isabelle huppert & maurice benichou & lucas biscombe the Wolf preco follows a family´s difficult The Time of the Wolf journey immediately after an unknown apocalyptic event. Haneke never tells us what happened, or where, escritor or when, but instead puts autor us directly into isabelle huppert & maurice benichou & lucas biscombe the terrifying aftermath, escritor with all of its The Time of the Wolf confusion, uncertainty, and danger. As all social laws and codes are suddenly overturned, Haneke asks submarino us to find our own barato way through.
Diretor: MICHAEL isabelle huppert & maurice benichou & lucas biscombe HANEKE   
Informações Especiais: An submarino interview with director Michael The Time of the Wolf Hanede - An interview with star Isabelle Huppert - Production footage - Filmographies - Theatrical autor trailer
Título Original: The Time of premiado the Wolf: Le isabelle huppert & maurice benichou & lucas biscombe Temps Du Loup
Tempo: autor 109 minutos
Cor: Colorido
Ano de The Time of the Wolf Lançamento: 2004
Recomendação: 14 anos
Região do DVD: Região 1Legenda: InglêsIdiomas / Sistema de Som: Francês - barato Dolby Surround 5.1Francês - Dolby sucesso Digital StereoFormatos de isabelle huppert & maurice benichou & lucas biscombe Tela: FullScreenPais de barato Origem: França

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