Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance

Unable to afford proper care for his sister dying loja from kidney failure, Ryu turns preco to the black song kang-ho & lim ji-eun & bae du-na market to sell loja his own organs only Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance to end up cheated of his life savings. His girlfriend urges Ryu to kidnap the venda daughter of wealthy industrialist Dong-jin, escritor who recently laid song kang-ho & lim ji-eun & bae du-na him off. Ryu venda agrees, but unforeseen tragedies Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance turn an innocent con into a merciless quest for revenge. Bound by their personal losses preco and deep-seated anger, the two submarino men are thrust song kang-ho & lim ji-eun & bae du-na into a spiral preco of destruction.

Diretor: PARK CHAN-WOOK   

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Informações Especiais: Director´s commentary - Behind escritor the scenes - First look autor at Lady Vengeance song kang-ho & lim ji-eun & bae du-na - Original theatrical escritor trailer


Título Original: Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance: Boksuneun naui submarino geot

Tempo: 121 minutos

Cor: Colorido

Ano de barato Lançamento: 2005

Recomendação: 12 song kang-ho & lim ji-eun & bae du-na anos

Região do DVD: submarino R

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