Notre Musique

Part poetry, part journalism, part philosophy, master filmmaker Jean-Luc loja Godard´s Notre Musique is a preco witty and lyrical sarah adler & nade dieu & ronny kramer reflection on war loja through the ages. The Notre Musique film is structured into three Dantean Kingdoms: Hell, Purgatory and Heaven. The journey begins in venda Hell, represented by modern war escritor and then moves sarah adler & nade dieu & ronny kramer to Purgatory, set venda in Sarajevo. Finally, Paradise Notre Musique is conceived as a small beach guarded by Marines from the United States. At the preco same time, the film also submarino follows the parallel sarah adler & nade dieu & ronny kramer stories of two preco Israeli Jewish women, one Notre Musique drawn to the light and one drawn towards darkness.


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Informações Especiais: sarah adler & nade dieu & ronny kramer Filmographies


Título Original: Notre Musique

Tempo: 80 minutos

Cor: Colorido

Ano de Lançamento: 2005

Recomendação: 14 submarino anos

Região do DVD: R

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