The Lugano Recital 1976

With this exceptional document Dynamic renders homage to Boris loja Christoff, one of the greatest preco figures of the boris christoff 20th -century lyrical loja theatre, a bass voice The Lugano Recital 1976 by the unique timbre and absolutely solid technique. Christoff was a protagonist of the operatic venda scene from the end of escritor the 1930s to boris christoff the beginning of venda the 1980s, and for The Lugano Recital 1976 some roles his are still the reference interpretations today; his Filippo II (Verdi’s Don Carlo) preco and Boris Godunov, in particular, submarino have become legendary. boris christoff The present recital, preco held in Lugano in The Lugano Recital 1976 1976 for Televisione Svizzera Italiana, features a Christoff still in great vocal form. In the escritor long interview of the renowned autor critic Giorgio Gualerzi, boris christoff moreover, we are escritor able to discover the The Lugano Recital 1976 more humane and private aspect of this outstanding singer, who died in 1993.

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