Star Trek Voyager: The Complete Fifth Season
Star Trek Voyager: The Complete Fifty Season features the adventures of the Voyager crew led by Capt. Janeway (Mulgrew). Throughout the season, the Voyager crew plunges into a vast, empty, star-less expanse, makes a surprising discovery in a most unexpected place, has a chance encounter with the remains of a destroyed Borg vessel that results in an unusual effect on Seven of Nine, and suddenly discovers a wormhole that apparently leads to Earth.
Título Original: Star Trek Voyager: The Complete Fifth Season
Tempo: 1216 minutos
Cor: Colorido
Ano de Lançamento: 2004
Recomendação: livre
Região do DVD: Região 1Legenda: InglêsIdiomas / Sistema de Som: Inglês - Dolby Digital 5.1Inglês - Dolby Surround Stereo